
SEASKATE - The World's Surfiest Skateboard.

Created by Darien

Surf trainer + workout machine + ridiculous fun on fin-simulating, spring-loaded casters. SUPPLY LIMITED! **Please note: Shipping will be calculated and added at time of shipment**

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🚨 FEBRUARY 8TH ! ! ! 🚨
16 days ago – Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 02:27:25 PM

-Is when this can^ hits L.A. Then to Oakland, and then I should have everything in my hands by the 11th-12th at the latest. 

I have cleared my schedule - going to pack everyone's shipment personally over the weekend and then send everything out ASAFP. 

This is (finally) the beginning of something crazy! Watching snowboarding on the X-Games recently truly blew my mind all over the wall. Unlike the dawns of surfing or skateboarding, I was there - in the first days of snowboarding. On the mountain. Stinking it up with my friends. 

The first snowboards were so crook -- if you don't believe me watch "Dear Rider" the Jake Burton story. Actually watch it anyway, it is profoundly awesome. 🥹 Seriously

So is "Dogtown and Z-Boys" for that matter, and you can see Skip, Godfather of Skateboarding and the OG Seaskate fan. 

Anyway the point is: We are already so far beyond the early snowboards. I have unlimited confidence. Because the potential of this thing is infinite. 

New shop is up and almost swapped into the site. Still messing with shipping profiles/zones/markets/gobbledygook but you guys don't need to worry about that. Feel free to poke around though and let me know what you think

If you aren't barfing at me saying thank you by now ... Thanks again for your straight-up Stoicism on this fever-dream crusade into the Ether. You guys are the GENESIS CREW, and this list is CLOSED forever.

I will always hook you up 👊


Sorry guys, Air Freight wants $13,000 - going boat 🚢
2 months ago – Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 02:20:25 PM

Even if I had any profits at this point, this would still be devastating. I'm doing everything I can over here - believe me - every month that goes by with no product to sell costs me the kind of interest that makes you want to scratch your eyes out. 

So we have to cargo it all (by sea). The Wizard is driving everything to the port in 2 days  -- Fri Dec. 20. He is even covering the cost 🙏 

(Bob is not in Semiconductor-Taiwan. He is in tiny surf village/typhoon-Taiwan on the opposite end of the island) 

Estimated date of arrival to me in California is Jan 26th - Feb 2nd. 

*Barring any US Customs shenanigans*

I will get everything packed and out the door with lightning speed. I am an absolute weapon of health AND stubbornness. 

Much love guys and girls and apologies again.

Darien. and Nico 🐈‍⬛

Quick Update on Shipping Costs
3 months ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 01:40:47 PM

Dearest Brigade,

I've finished manually entering the most US states and nearly a dozen countries we'll be shipping to - thinking that would be enough - but apparently I need to manually enter all the prices too, LOL

(Shoutout to Germany & Australia! You guys crushed the international counts. I am honored by such brilliant engineers and surfers 🥰 ... Hopefully that's not racist) 

I don't want to charge you guys a single yen more than necessary ( + no "handling fee"), so please give me a day or two more on the shipping notification email.

I will first make a wood box in the same dimensions as the smallest cardboard box that I think will fit everything, just to be sure. So much for driving to LA today to pick up the Day Packs :P I'll do it next Monday. 

The good news is YOU shouldn't have to do anything 🎉 Backerkit will just charge your same card a couple days after the notification and you'll be good to go. 

If you want to come pick yours up in Norcal that works too. Free lessons! I see a lot of Bay Area ppl :)


3 months ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 12:12:49 PM


LOOK OUT for shipping arrangement emails from me this weekend

I am air-freighting this stuff to myself in California at outlandish personal expense. Giving it everything to deliver ASAP. 

The sooner I can get your shipping $ the sooner I can ship.

If you want to add anything, now is also the time. I have MULTIPLE sponsored surfers on this list, some with millions of followers. Should be wild. 

Let me know if you have any issues. [email protected]


1 court case later, parts are released 🎭
3 months ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 12:19:09 PM

Yes, Bob had to go to Taiwanese court because we were slapped with something called a C3 Review based on some bureaucratic nonsense. It took 5 days to see the judge who then released it immediately. 

In 18 years of producing strange skateboards - it was his first one. 

Anyway, pedal to the metal again. Bob has half the parts and the other half should arrive there by tomorrow night.

He should have the casters assembled and in the mail in 3 days from that point.  

I will take this time to attempt to raise $4000 somehow in order to air-freight the entire shipment to myself instead of boat-trip it, which would save us 3 weeks. 

Thoughts, prayers and rain-dances welcome + appreciated. 

Stay tuned.