
SEASKATE - The World's Surfiest Skateboard.

Created by Darien

Surf trainer + workout machine + ridiculous fun on fin-simulating, spring-loaded casters.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Couple weeks + boat ride + customs = shipment.
26 days ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 08:33:31 PM

While we all wait together I just want to thank each and every one of you guys and girls in all of your countries for bringing this dream to life. I knew there would be roadblocks, constantly. I knew I would get trolled – no problem. 

When I see people argue about which surfskate will make them better at surfing, I can only chuckle in a quiet inner peace. 

We have already won. 

No matter what, these 500 Seaskates are nearly built, and you my friends will have them. I wish it were sooner, but other than that I have no regrets. I could have given up 1000 times, and if I did even once – THEN I would have the regrets. For the rest of my life. 

I have already won.

This product is everything I wanted – with zero compromise. Can it be improved further? Of course, this is just the first model. The Wizard and I never stopped developing. We think about this every day. 

When I really think about it, it had to happen this way. Modest release. Atomic network. Go. 

You guys have been so patient, and I truly love you for that. No one is angry. We’ve had no cancellations - other than 1 bulk order for some random sweepstakes in Lativa, which is absolutely no doubt for the best. 

This thing is not for randos. It’s for you. It’s for prowess – physical and mental. 

Apologies again for the wait. But it will be worth it. Just a couple more weeks until these babies are on a boat toward my hands. I’ve done everything that needs to be done; paid everyone who needs to be paid. At great personal sacrifice. It’s not about money. The point is:

There is nothing left to stop us. 

Thanks for being yourselves. 



3 months ago – Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 09:33:11 PM

OK this is taking a really long time. Sorry guys. But it absolutely critical to deliver something that isn't going to break or look wack.


I love it. It's exactly what I wanted but couldn't make myself. Bend pushed forward for better clearance in the nose AND the rails, get it??

We're in legit Rock Maple now as well, pressed/glued in shape like a proper skateboard (instead of 3/8" Birch soaked and molded for weeks like an idiot.)



90x40mm + 80a = Absolute butter. I cannot tell you how much different just this feels than a regular skateboard. Most ppl ride ~100a! 

Plus we're almost twice as tall with like 1/8 the contact patch / friction / noise 🔪



Not everything comes out perfectly the first time. But you get the idea 🤩

Things are actually going great! Just slow!! We're all paid up, and frothing. Getting the most state-of-the-art factories in the world to slide in our cowboy orders of 500 or 1000 pcs. is no joke - but luckily Bob has been doing precisely this for 17 years. 

It's all he's ever done. 

Thanks for hanging in there.


IN PRODUCTION + New Website!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 02:18:51 PM

Check us out at

Mobile needs a little work^ I don't love the video cropping, and we'll switch out videos entirely as we shoot better stuff. I should be able to get the Kickstarter video a play button and some sound. Let me know what you guys think. Add anything? Lose anything? Move anything up or down?

As you may have guessed, $38k isn't even enough to start a regular skateboard company with stock parts and swapped paint, so I had to sell (almost) all of my (gorgeous) cars (that I built 🥲) and also get a job which is even more devastating but WE ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN FAM, and it is all worth it. 

I've been demoing the prototype at Surfrider beach cleanups (The big Earth Day one is this Sunday April 21st at Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay if you're around!) -and even a large surf contest last weekend in Santa Cruz. (I am bored to death by contests but my uncle was competing)

Seaskate causes quite a scene to say the least. 

This kid Luke got it in about 2 seconds^ He could even kick and footstop which I can't even do after 5/6 years lol. Stoked for you young ppl -- that's when the sparks will really fly. (I'm freaking 46!)

Tooling. Since every single part is made from scratch, we had to build the tools that build the parts, but the Wizard has been doing this for 17 years (@ Freebord) so we are in good shape. 

Production. The caster is actually running ahead of schedule, the wheels on time, but the deck is running behind schedule. We ship completes so unfortunately there will be a delay. If you are familiar with crowdfunding you would automatically expect this, but I apologize nonetheless. I am frothing more than anyone. 

We will all be skating this summer if it kills me. 

In other news, I am building a Discord so we can share ideas. I was hesitant on this, as I want everybody outside ripping obviously, but I also want us to be an atomic network that sticks together and is as sharp, awakened, strong and based as humanly possible. 

Superhumanly. There will be some wild stuff in here. 

Anyway thanks for hanging in there visionaries. I will start doing video updates going forward and blast them to the email list. Show you around the garage, etc. A magical place to be sure 👌 

So get on the email list if you haven't already. Bottom of the site

👉 Insta 

👉 Tiktok

Be well my friends!


6 months ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 08:02:07 AM

This is where the Wizard orchestrates the production of the tools themselves that will make every piece of your craft from scratch. If you think mine looks good -- this is nothing!! This deck was molded in a kiddie pool, the wheels were carved out of squared longboard wheels, casters were carved out of aluminum blocks one-by-one, paint's rolled on, and all the graphics are stickers!

Now the most finely-tuned machines in the world switch on. 

Damn I am so freaking stoked!!!!

Get on the email list right now if you are reading this on Kickstarter -- I am about to drop a banger!

As always email me anytime at [email protected]. If a couple days go by email me again. When you start a business or launch something on Kickstarter your inbox gets melted. I want to speak with you!


7 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 05:41:13 PM

Repeat post for everyone on the email list (should be everyone) but Kickstarter pinged me so here it is again.  


PS: Still 19% of you legends have not filled out your Backer Survey so we don't know where to ship your craft!

You can get a new survey by clicking the link below. You can also join the mailing list inside the Preorder Shop if you haven't already and are likely totally in the dark (sorry!) --> Right-hand side. 

Most frequent updates on Insta: 

And as always, email me whenever you want! [email protected]. I love to hear from you guys <3

